Transition from Psychiatric Hospital to Home

Transition from Psychiatric Hospital to Home

Making the transition from psychiatric hospital to home can be a challenge filled with uncertainty. What can you do to manage this period effectively? This article guides coordinating discharge plans, setting up a supportive home environment, and ensuring continuous...
How to Overcome Travel Anxiety

How to Overcome Travel Anxiety

Struggling with travel anxiety can make every trip feel daunting rather than enjoyable. If planning your journey or stepping out the door triggers worry, a racing heart, or sweaty palms, this guide from Healing Psychiatry of Florida is here to help. We offer...
Understanding PTSD

Understanding PTSD

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) develops after experiencing traumatic events such as wars, crimes, fires, accidents, the death of a loved one, or any form of abuse. These events trigger ongoing, distressing symptoms like nightmares, difficulty sleeping, and...