ADHD Therapy Longwood

If you have ADHD, it might feel like you’re trying to keep up with a hundred thoughts at once. Your mind may always be active or racing, making it tough to concentrate or keep things in order.

It is common to experience overwhelming feelings and frustration, making simple tasks a challenge. You might also struggle with being misunderstood or maintaining relationships, making you feel left out and disconnected from people around you.

That’s where our Therapy for ADHD in Longwood Fl comes in. We’re here to work with you and explore new ways to handle these tricky moments. Together, we’ll help you find your strengths and get back on track with your relationships and daily life.

A poised woman in smart casual attire is reading a book, portraying an image of focus and learning

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Our ADHD Therapy path

Our ADHD therapy is personalized to match your needs. We focus on overall wellness and proven therapeutic techniques. We will create a treatment plan that deals with the many parts of ADHD, preparing you with methods for making improvements that last over time.

Building Concentration and Time Management Skills:

Our approach includes practical techniques to strengthen concentration and improve time management. We highlight the importance of using techniques such as planned schedules, doing tasks by priority, and activities that improve concentration to help you manage the everyday difficulties of ADHD.

Enhancing Coping Mechanisms for ADHD-Related Anxiety:

ADHD generally goes hand in hand with anxiety, and our counseling includes specific strategies to address this. We guide you through techniques to manage anxious thoughts and feelings that will help you confidently deal with challenges. 

Creating a Supportive and Understanding Environment:

We build our methods to fit your specific needs, making sure that you feel acknowledged, understood, and supported throughout your journey with us. We aim to help you manage ADHD more easily and improve your quality of life.

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See what others are saying about Healing Psychiatry of Florida

Malcolm Nichols
Malcolm Nichols
Thanks for being Amazing 🫶🏿🫶🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿🙌🏿😍🤩💋❤️🌹
Best experience at a therapist office. Everyone was kind, and listened to my concerns, and what I preferred for treatment. Highly recommend
Peter Nutting
Peter Nutting
Everyone here is super pleasant and friendly!
Guilherme da Silva Gonzaga
Guilherme da Silva Gonzaga
My first appointment with Dr. Anastasiya went great. She and her helper, I wish I could remember her name, were great listeners, would further explain questions if asked, passionate, and knowledge about what they were talking about. I definitely recommend Dr. Anastasiya.
Lucy Miller
Lucy Miller
I am so happy to be treated by Mrs Polopoli. She is highly experienced, she listened to all my problems and concerns and came up with the right care plan and I am so grateful.
Jane Ketcham
Jane Ketcham
Wonderful experience here. Felt like I was heard and actually trying to get to the root of the problem. Highly recommend!
Jennifer Brandau
Jennifer Brandau
Quickly scheduled

Meet Our ADHD Therapy Specialists in Longwood

In the heart of Casselberry, our depression therapy center offers a compassionate safe space for healing and personal growth. Our licensed depression therapists specialize in depression treatment, combining professional expertise with empathy and understanding. We provide personalized support customized to your unique journey, helping you overcome life’s challenges of depression. With a focus on growing self-awareness, resilience, and emotional healing. We are committed to helping you rediscover hope and joy. In our safe and nurturing space, you are not alone. We are here to listen, understand, and walk with you toward a brighter future.


A focused young woman with her hair in a top knot is sitting at a cafe table, focused on writing notes next to her laptop, with a coffee cup at hand.

Difficulty Focusing Can Strain Daily Life; It Does Not Have To

Having ADHD often means facing daily challenges with concentration and other issues. Being easily distracted is not the only challenge; there is also the struggle to keep your thoughts in line and tasks on track. Our therapy sessions are designed to give you strategies to improve your focus.

This includes learning techniques to keep your mind on the task, breaking down large tasks into manageable steps, and finding ways to minimize distractions. Our goal is to help you learn skills to turn these challenges into strengths and have smoother, more productive days.

Managing Time Effectively Can Seem Daunting

For someone with ADHD, managing time effectively can often feel overwhelming. The days may seem to slip away, leaving you wondering where the time went. In our therapy, we tackle time management head-on.

We guide you in setting realistic goals, using tools and techniques to prioritize tasks, and creating a structured routine that works for you. By confronting time management issues, we help you gain more control over your day and reduce the stress of feeling constantly behind.

A man in deep concentration sits at a kitchen counter with a laptop and a coffee mug
A focused professional woman is writing in a notebook at her desk with a laptop open in front of her

Staying Organized Isn’t Always Easy

For people with ADHD, getting organized can be challenging. From keeping track of important items to maintaining a clean workspace, keeping things in order can sometimes seem like a constant struggle. Our therapy focuses on practical organization skills.

We work with you to develop personalized systems that make sense for your lifestyle, helping you keep track of tasks and responsibilities. By strengthening your organizational skills, our goal is to lessen confusion and introduce more peace and management into your life.

FAQs for Our ADHD Therapy Services in Longwood

What is ADHD Therapy?

ADHD therapy is a personalized treatment approach for managing the symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). The process includes techniques and strategies, including cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), to help improve focus, organizational skills, and impulse control.

How can ADHD Therapy help me?

ADHD therapy can help by teaching you strategies to cope with the symptoms of ADHD, such as impulsivity and hyperactivity. Providing tools to manage tasks, emotions, and behaviors more effectively can improve your daily functioning, relationships, and self-esteem.

What techniques are used in ADHD Therapy?

Common techniques in ADHD therapy include cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) to change negative thought patterns, behavior therapy to establish positive behaviors, mindfulness practices to improve focus, and time management and organizational strategies.

Is medication always recommended in ADHD Therapy?

Medication often plays an important role but isn’t required for everyone. The decision to use medication is based on your medical evaluation of specific symptoms, their severity, and what you prefer. Therapy usually goes together with medication to create a complete treatment plan.

Can ADHD Therapy help with adult ADHD?

Yes, ADHD therapy helps adults with ADHD. It offers strategies personalized to adult responsibilities and challenges, such as workplace issues, relationship management, and self-regulation techniques.

How long does ADHD Therapy typically last?

The duration of ADHD therapy depends on individual goals, the severity of symptoms, and the progress made in therapy. Some individuals see improvements in a few months, while others may participate in ongoing therapy for longer.

What's the difference between ADHD coaching and therapy?

ADHD coaching focuses on practical day-to-day skills and strategies to manage ADHD symptoms, as well as organization and time management. Therapy helps and deals with how ADHD affects your feelings and thoughts.

Can ADHD Therapy help with related issues like anxiety or depression?

Yes, ADHD therapy can help with co-occurring conditions such as anxiety and depression, providing a holistic approach to treatment that improves overall mental health and quality of life.

How often should I attend ADHD Therapy sessions?

Frequency depends on individual needs and therapy goals. Initially, weekly sessions are common, but as progress is made, sessions may become less frequent.

Can ADHD Therapy be done online?

Yes, many therapists offer online sessions for ADHD therapy, providing flexibility and making it more accessible for individuals who may have scheduling or location challenges.

Will I learn how to manage ADHD without medication in therapy?

Yes, therapy provides you with coping strategies and skills to treat ADHD symptoms without relying on medication, though some people choose a combination of both.


How do I know if ADHD Therapy is working?

Signs of progress include improved ability to focus, better time management, reduced impulsivity, improved relationships, and increased daily functioning and well-being.

Are there any lifestyle changes that can support ADHD Therapy?

Healthy lifestyle changes, such as regular exercise, a balanced diet, proper sleep, and stress reduction techniques, can significantly increase the effectiveness of ADHD therapy.

How can I tell if I or someone I know has ADHD?

Signs of ADHD include persistent patterns of inattention, impulsivity, and/or hyperactivity that interfere with functioning or development. An assessment by a healthcare professional is needed for a formal diagnosis.

Are there any specific challenges for women with ADHD?

Women with ADHD may face unique challenges, including higher rates of co-occurring mood disorders, misdiagnoses due to presenting symptoms differently than men, and the impact of hormonal changes on ADHD symptoms.

What impact does ADHD have on relationships?

ADHD can affect relationships through misunderstandings, communication difficulties, and constant emotional changes. Therapy can offer strategies to manage these challenges, improving relationships and understanding between partners or family members.

Contact us

Reclaim your mental health at Healing Psychiatry of Florida

Healing Psychiatry of Florida

108 W Citrus St, Altamonte Springs, FL 32714

(321) 972-9215

Opening Hours

Monday – Thursday: 8AM – 7PM

Friday: 8AM – 5PM

Saturday: 9AM – 2PM

Sunday: Closed